Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Week 7 - Masculinity and Its Discontents


No Annie. No work til Wednesday at 6. Three days to myself.  I'm going to jog every day...start meditating again...hit one of the eight yoga bullshits within 5 blocks of me...and start my novel. Great fuckin week in store here. 


I'm sitting at my desk in my stretch trunks streaming horse racing from Australia. I hit a two team parlay with the Jets and the Under in the football game for a few hundred and am now trying to lose it all on these horses. At this time of the night the only horses left to bet on are these fucking Australians. The racing starts around 11pm and there are three tracks - Australia A, B, C. Now what this means I don't really know. I do know that at one of the tracks - I'm not sure which and am not even sure all three don't race on the same track somehow - the horses run counter-clockwise, which is the American way. The others race the European way - clockwise. I usually never know which way they're gonna go til they hit the gate. 

I love to bet on these races but. The fields are large - 20 or so - and they run on the grass. I love the fucking grass. They have very long stretches so it's a mob scene when they get to the top of it. If your horse is a closer, getting to the lead is like trying to get to a Lucky Dog after a Saints game. 

The saddlecothes of all the horses are the same color so it's hard to tell which horses are which during the race. I rarely know if I've won money or got crushed until the race it over.

But I love betting Australia. They use terms like Punters...Not travelling...Big drifter..Really good go...Dead 'un...and Market Mover. And they talk really fucking fast, like auctioneers, in a sophisticated,  Australian accent. 

They have bookmakers stationed in all the Enclosures around the racecourse. The main bookmaking ring is located in the Paddock. It's old school. Just some guy, usually wearing a hat, surrounded by a mob, taking bets, writing tickets, and turning the dials. If that doesn't make sense, just think Running Man. 

When I was a kid the major bookie in my town was Charlie Friss. He used to run the book out of the back of his convenient store - Charlie's Corner. You could bet horses at the OTB(Off Track Betting) or you could bet them with Charlie. He also ran numbers. You could bet numbers with the state or you could bet them with Charlie. Charlie took the number from the last four digit's of that day's total ring at the nyra track - Belmont, Aqueduct, and Saratoga. So if your number was 7212 and the track rang $117,212 that day you were a winner. Shit I'm rambling. This paragraph should be cut.

Now the way I understand it - and I'm just learning this now to write this fucking blog- is that the pools are separate. Basically the bookmakers are doing their thing and the Tote, which is the nationwide pool, is doing theirs. So the punters(players) shop around for the best odds on their wagers between the two. 

Anyway the tracks rotate so a race goes off every ten minutes or so. I try to bet all of the them. Now right as they're approaching the gate the bookie turns the dial adjusting the odds. The horse who's odds drop the most is referred to as this damn "Market Mover," which is the horse all the late money, usually from the sharps(wiseguys), comes in on. I have no racing form, no idea who any of these jockeys or trainers are, and can barely understand what the commentators are talking about half the time. So I just wait for the "Market Mover" to be announced and bet him. Then I pick out two random horses and box them in an exacta with him. The thing is I usually have better luck doing this than studying the racing form. Unless I'm betting Belmont. I fucking crush Belmont. 

Tonight I'm doing well, although I can't seem to hit anything at the counter-clockwise track. I'm up to about $600 in my account from a $100 deposit earlier in the night. The problem is we're only on race 4 which means there's 18 more races to go. I haven't bet a horse in months, and this is why. Like poker, like anything really, I can't stop. I need to come up with something here. I can't spend all night doing this bullshit and most likely drain my account. Fuck Thank Christ for In Treatment.

I've been mowing down these In Treatment episode's before I knock off for the past week. I've become more involved with these characters than I am with my girlfriend. I want to bang Embeth Davidtz and Melissa George so fucking hard. I want to bang pretty much everyone on this show... they're so vulnerable.

I pull up Miro and click play on one of these episodes and it's over. I shut down the streaming from Australia and get the hell out of there. 


I passed out early, only getting through 4 episodes. I'm up at nine. Go for jog. Come back. Walk around the neighborhood and price out yoga classes. I make some breakfast, look up meditation workshops online, then sit down and get ready to get after this fucking blog. 


The T.V. is on and I'm waiting for the first race at Keenland to go off. I've purchased the racing form online and even got the Rogozin sheets, or The Sheets as they're called, for Keeneland and Belmont. The Sheets were created by this Len Rogozin guy.  Len came up with this way to calculate a horses speed figure based not purely on the time the horse ran, but on the effort the horse gave. Instead of just looking at the final time the horse ran - which is what other speed figures measure - he looked at every factor in the race that contributed to how the horse ran that day. Ole Len took into account the trip the horse had, the obstacles he had to overcome, and the real distance the horse had to travel in the race. Basically Len judged the horses physical performance, which reflected more accurately his condition and ability, and gave it a number. 

They're called The Sheets because every horse has a sheet with numbers and symbols all over it that represent the speed figures the horse's run in all of his races. It looks kinda like HTML. The problem is not knowing exactly how to read the sheets can be very dangerous. The Sheets have been known to produce symptoms such as paranoia, hallucinations, social-anxiety disorder, and tourette's, to name a few. If you're not careful with these fucking sheets you'll end up like that fucking guy from Pi

I don't know how to read The Sheets. I just buy them because all the horsemen and sharps swear by them. When I was going to Saratoga everyday a few summers ago I bought The Sheets everyday. I ran around with the Racing Form under my arm, The Sheets in one hand, and a hot dog in the other. I think I lost fifteen thousand that week. 

The only think I know for sure about these fucking sheets is that the lower the number, the better the race the horse ran. This differs from all the other speed figures out there like the Beyer Speed Figure for example. The faster Beyer ever recorded was somewhere around 125 and the lowest Rogozin figure was a -3. A negative number. The coolest.

The thing is there's all kinds of other shit on these sheets. Some numbers are in Bold, some in Italics, some large, some small. There's colon's, semi-colon's, brackets, pluses, and minuses surrounding these numbers. I don't know what any of this means. 

Anyway I spend the whole day pouring over these figures and betting every race on the board. I'm stuck inside my apartment. I can't pull myself away from the television. It's like sitting at the poker table and holding in a piss all night because you think the next hand could be pocket aces. It's awful. Just awful.

Six hours later I somehow still have $300 in my account. What a waste of a fucking day. I'd be better off if I'd just slept through it.

I make it out of the apartment and grab a couple slices for dinner. I call Leroy and give him the passcode for my Cox account. He calls up and cancels TVG for me and changes the passcode so I can't re-order it. I give him the username and password for my TVG online account and have him change up that info as well. Now I can't watch any races on T.V. or stream them online. No more fucking Australia. No more "Punters" or "Market Movers".  I'm free.

I hit In Treatment for a few more episodes, load, and knock out. I wake in the middle of the night with a headache and on my way to an Advil have a panic attack. I take a Xanax and pace for a bit. I don't fall back asleep til six.


I sleep til 3 and have to immediately get ready for work.  No time to call Leroy and bust his balls for the new passwords. The panic attack actually worked in my favor.


I put the $300 on Arizona in the night football game. They cruise.


Annie took the afternoon off from work so she can get back from Alexandria in time for this therapy session she scheduled. We've been going to this woman, Mia, for a couple months now. I actually started seeing her on my own first, but just I was starting to make progress, Annie swept in an stole her from me. 

In my last session with Mia I talked to her about my gambling and how I know that I'm good, that I have an intuition with these games, that it's the way I'm stringing bets together which is the problem. I went on to tell her how whenever I play a parlay or a teaser it's always that one team that fucks me, that I consistently hit 4 out of 5 in 5 team parlays...consistently. And Mia comes back and tells me that maybe I should stop betting 5 team parlays. That maybe I should just bet the games straight. Genius. Mia's a genius. That's the best advice anyone's given me in years. 

Now Annie sees Mia solo and I only go with her. It's all pretty fucked up but I just roll with it.

She gets in around three and we head down to Mia's office. Annie I'm sure has a few things on her mind that she wants to bring up off the rip. I just roll in blind. The thing is if I'm not around Annie and in the middle of a disagreement of sorts, I really don't care about anything. When I leave Annie's presence, I pretty much leave the relationship.

Mia meets us in the lobby and walks us back to her office. She has a very Eastern vibe going on in there. A lot of golds, blacks, and greens. But mainly gold. A lot of fucking gold. I'm well past this crap so it makes me kinda anxious.

Now besides possessing the hottest female name in the English language our therapist is fucking hot. At least I think she is. I'd say most idiots would give her a 6. But since she's my therapist she's at least a 9. It looks like she's lost a bit of weight too. She was kind of full figured, which is fine because she's tall. Now she looks to have the perfect amount of meat on her. Thankfully her tits haven't lost any weight. They're still awesome.

So our sessions usually go something like this. She brings something up that's been concerning her and immediately starts crying. She's always fucking crying. I sit with my legs crossed and chin resting my palm, staring at Mia's tits. I can't stop. She has to be aware of this. I mean I'm locked into these things. I'm like Luke Skywalker approaching that Death Star reactor thing. I could blow up her tits.

Every now and then Mia asks me if I understand what Annie's talking about. I always come back with "which part", since I've barely been listening, to get something to play off. Apparently this is the thing...listening to each other. I looked this shit up. Some technique called, "active listening." The goal is for both parties to be aware of the others' feelings and to create a safe environment for these feelings to be expressed. I go along with it. I'll pretty much go along with whatever Mia says.

The In Treatment has changed me but. I feel a lot deeper, a lot more self-aware...well a little bit more self-aware. In this particular session I find myself thinking about the couple of Amy(Embeth Davidtz) and Jake(Josh Charles) on this fucking show. In the last episode with these two just Amy shows up and Paul breaks her down - if you don't know, Paul is the therapist played like a gangster by Gabriel Byrne. The short of it is that Amy's father died when she was 13...he was a very tender man...she feels abandoned...when Jake is tender it disgusts her...she get's angry...she can't trust tenderness...she finds it weak...she feels like Jake is going to abandon her, die, and leave her behind. 

So Paul asks her if she thinks this might be because it scares her and therefore in order to avoid the fear she provokes Jake and makes him angry. That she creates these situations that bring out the worst in him - fucking gangster! The last sentence is all I really hear. The rest of it is over my head. 

So I begin to turn into Jake. It just happens. It's like I'm channeling him. I turn everything around and pick her apart. I bring up everything she's ever done that I thought was bullshit. I accuse her of being inconsiderate and thoughtless. I accuse her of being a phony and a lier. I start sounding like Alec Baldwin leaving that message to his kid. The only difference I think was I left out the word "pig".

They're both kinda baffled by the shit that's coming out of my mouth. I finally snap out of it and apologize for getting a little off track. Annie actually stopped crying because the things I was saying were so ridiculous. Thank God we were out of time. I stood up, paid Mia, and we got the hell out of there. 


I wake up early and go for a jog. In case you're wondering Annie and I didn't say one word about the session after we left. We never talk about anything that's said in there. It's strange. I don't understand it at all but I roll with it.

Shit I've gotten way off track here. That In Treatment show is fucking me up. I need to get through it and be done with it. So let's wrap this fucking thing up.

I come out guns blazing. I love Cincy, Texas A & M, and K. State. I tease and parlay them. Easy winner. I hit for $900. Now I have $1500 and change going into the 3:30 games. I love LSU, Nebraska, and Missouri. I tease and parlay them and bet LSU straight up.

Fucking Missouri. They lose by 21 as Oklahoma State runs in a meaningless touchdown on the last play of the game. This happened in my favor a couple weeks ago with Boise St. and I laughed my ass off. I'm laughing my ass off now but it's a much different form of laughter. I had them plus 18 in a teaser. I lose everything but the LSU bet. I'm back down to a G.

I roll with BAMA, Stanford, and Notre Dame. Here's the move my subconscious likes to pull on me when I'm in position to go on a nice run. Instead of teasing USC up to +20, I tease N.D. down to a pick. USC +20 is hands down the better play. But I go the other way because I hate USC and my subconscious hates me. It's like he's telling me that I'm a loser and it's time to lose. This winning bullshit is just not your thing. 

Mia. I need Mia. I need to fucking get her back. I need her to help me dig deep and get rid of this darkness...this evil...this gestapo that lurks beneath this shroud of consciousness. And maybe after this is done we can fuck. Why wouldn't she want to fuck? Outside of that room she's a six. I crush six's. I don't think I've ever met a six I couldn't fuck. When our sessions are up she always touches my arm and tells me to call her anytime if I want to come back for a solo session. That's the signal. She definitely wants to fuck. She wants to fuck.

But right now I don't have Mia. All I have is this bullshit disorder that fucking owns me. 

Time and time again I try to convince myself that I have control over this. That I'm going to do things differently next time. That this behavior I will learn to correct. And time and time again my subconscious rears it's ugly head and shows me that I'm wrong. 

I lose $600 and I'm back down below $400 heading into Sunday...I can't wait til this weekend is over.


We go out hard on Saturday. Annie is out cold at noon, so there's no running around sneaking these bets in. I roll with Philly, Carolina, and the Falcons. Falcons are my best play. My firm belief is that the Lions are overrated. I also firmly believe that the Falcons are starting to round into shape and are severely undervalued. When these two ideas align in my brain I fire...and I fire big.

Unfortunately the Notre Dame debacle has left me with $400. So to maximize my Falcon's love I bet them first half, with the feeling that they will be undervalued again at the half. So I bet $300 on the Birds first half and parlay the rest with all three. 

The Falcons are up 11 at half. The second half line is Lions laying 6. I put everything on the Falcons. They now have to win by 5, when initially they were a 5 point dog. I've basically fucked myself out of 10 points with this bet, but these are things you have to deal with when you're shorthanded. 

The Falcons win by a touchdown, but not without raising my blood pressure. The Lions were inside the 20 going in with under a minute remaining, but my Falcons held. Carolina and Philly come through and I have a perfect beginning. I'm back up to $1500.

The late games are gifts I think. Packers and Cowboys are big favorites and I expect them to cover. I love Kansas City going against a Raiders team with no quarterback. I love the Redbirds because, well because I always love them for some reason, because again I'm ruled by forces I have no power over. 

And then it hits me. I don't need therapy with Mia. I really do need to fuck Mia. I need to fuck her. By fucking her I will fuck this evil out of me. By fucking her I will have won and once you really win, I mean really win, I mean fucking your teacher, fucking your boss's wife, fucking your fathers new wife, fucking your fucking therapist! Then you are a winner. That's it. Over. Done. A new fucking existence!

So I split. Boys and KC(The Raiders QB's combine for 6 interceptions) kill it. Packers and Redbirds let me down. I still have $1300 going into the night game.

Now this next bet is so disgusting that I will limit my memory of it  to one sentence. I bet the under in the Saints game....62 - 7.

I go to bed with $800. I will lose a little bit more than half of it tomorrow night when the Ravens inexplicably lose to the fucking Jaguars. I'll be right back where I started on Monday. Hilarious.

Annie is gone again. I can return to the people I love the most - Jack, Amy, Sophie, Alex, Gina, Laura, and Paul. I'll call Mia tomorrow and set up a solo session. I will begin the seduction. I will tell her every dark, disgusting thought that enters my being and she will become fascinated by me and her vagina will shake as I spin my tales of masochism.  Hell I don't need any of this shit. I'll fuck her without transference or countertransference(I don't know what any of this shit means). She's a 6 for christsakes.  But for now I'll watch 4 or 5 episodes of In Treatment, then load to Laura. Laura's a fucking 9 in real life. Maybe one day I'll meet her and fuck her too. I'll fuck the evil out of her. We'll fuck the evil out of each other. Because I could fuck her. I could fuck her. I could fuck anything if I put my mind to it.

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